Next: Hear Her Voice, Saturday At Home Seat
сб, 13.01
Celebrating our Sweet Sixteen Season. In the spirit of collaboration and elevating emerging artists in our community. This season we embark on a Davis Dance first in programing history. We’re honored to have a season elevating all women's artistic voices in Denver.

Час и място
13.01.2024 г., 19:30 ч. – 22:30
За събитието
Our opening season concert series Next: Hear Her Voice will open at our home the Elaine Wolf Theatre. It will feature works by our Resident Choreographer Rachael Harding, a Denver Dance Legend Hannah Khan, and retired Davis Dance Principal Dancer ND Company Manager Aubrey Klinger Fearns. Our Share the Stage guest will be Maureen Breeze Dance Theater. We're excited to present this company for the first time in our concerts. See you in the theatre.
You must register for the online ticket here:
Next: Hear Her... At Home Seat
Saturday, Jan 13th, Live Stream Concert
18,00 щ.д.+0,45 щ.д. Такса за обслужванеПродажбата приключи
0,00 щ.д.